Individual Tax Returns

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Individual tax returns for financial year ending 30/6/2022 are now able to be processed and lodged with the ATO.

If you are ready to complete your tax return, please reach out to a member of the Arum Team to begin this process!

If you are still preparing your information there are a few things not to forget!

  • Working from home deductions – If you have been working from home there is a couple of different methods which you will be able to use.
    • The simple method calculates how many hours you have worked from home and gives a deduction of 80c per hour and includes all costs.
    • Alternatively, we can use the more complex method to evaluate your total work from home spend including but not limited to
      1. Electricity (Work from home portion)
      2. Phone and internet
      3. New equipment
  • Travel – if you use your own car from work
    • Total Km’s travelled for work
  • Capital Gains
    • Any selling of shares or crypto
    • Selling of a property
    • any other item purchased with the view of it appreciating

There are many other specific deductions that may be relevant for yourself, so please send an email to to book an appointment with a member of the Arum Advisory team.