Changes to STP reporting from 30 June

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You and your employer clients should be reporting through Single Touch Payroll (STP), unless they only have closely held payees, or there is another deferral or exemption. Changes to STP reporting on 30 June 2021 may affect how you or your clients report to us.

From 1 July 2021:

employers must report their closely held payees through STP and can choose to report these payees monthly or quarterly
the eligibility requirements for quarterly reporting concessions for micro employers will change.
After this, a quarterly reporting concession will only be available to micro employers who:

report through a registered tax professional
meet certain eligibility requirements and
have special circumstances.
This will replace the concessions currently available to:

micro employers
seasonal and intermittent employers
the agriculture, fishing and forestry industry
not-for profit clubs and associations.

If this is an issue that could be affecting yourself or your business, please contact Daniel or any other team member at Arum and we can resolve this!